8TS12085C-3 is an exclusive and luxe member of the dooby family.
It’s called double face, as it owns two denim layers.
Thanks to this innovative weaving technology, it can have a more stylish denim surface and super warm performance.
This denim owns a knit-like look with a slight elegant slub.
The looming slim and elegant slub adds some playful and stylish tone to this denim.
8TS12085C-3 weights 11.1oz.
Normally this weight is crafted by 8s or 10s yarn count. But this denim is crafted with a high yarn count.
The resulting fabric is super full and fluffy hand feel with a finer surface.
The backside of this denim is crafted with two yarns.
One is pure black, the other is a two-colors-blended-in-one yarn.
Dark green and black yarn is mixed in one and woven to show high-and-low shades of green.
A special and luxurious denim look.
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